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Trucking Association Brings Support to Brown-sponsored Energy Solutions

As I have heard from so many of you regarding the impact of high energy costs, I have heard some of the most powerful stories from First District residents who drive a truck for a living.  Be it the independent operator who moves cargo in and out of the Port of Charleston or the trucker driver who works for one of the major firms hauling food to the hotels along the Grand Strand, American truckers are currently seeing the highest prolonged fuel prices in history.  It takes $1,400 to fill up the average 18-wheeler. 

Because of this, I was glad to see that the American Trucking Associations has endorsed bipartisan legislation that I and a number of my colleagues wrote and introduced in July.  H.R. 6709, the National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act, is bipartisan, balanced legislation that increases domestic production of energy and invests billions into renewable and alternative fuels, while providing incentives for the American people to conserve and use energy more wisely.  In announcing ATA’s support for the legislation, ATA First Vice Chairman Charles “Shorty” Whittington said “We need a comprehensive energy plan. The National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act is part of this comprehensive solution.”  You can read ATA’s full announcement online at their website.


Posted by Henry E. Brown (09-03-2008, 01:51 PM) filed under Energy, Transportation